Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014 Carosello Bianco Leccese

As part of my little cucumber business I make sure to test seed germination (to make sure it is above 80%) before selling any seed. Instead of composting this pre-sprouted seed out, I planted the Carosello Bianco Leccese or Light Leccese in some pots and let them grow some fruit.

Some Carosello Leccese Light next to a home-grown tomato

One characteristic of the Carosello I have been working to identify is how long down the vine each variety tends to set fruit. The Carosello Bianco Leccese sets fruit very close to the center of the fruit, making it a very early producing Carosello variety.
A Compact growth habit makes this one of the earlier and faster-growing Carosello.

Carosello Leccese Bianco female Flower

Carosello Leccese Bianco - The female flower is setting fruit.

The fruit grows,

and grows,

and grows until the Carosello Leccese Bianco is ready to be consumed. (=

 A few years ago, one of my children tested positive for an allergy to cucumbers. He was very sad about this, as he loves cucumbers and pickles. Fortunately, he tested negative for an allergy to melons, which means he can eat any of my Carosello, Armenian or other cucumber-melons. When my garden produces some Carosello for him to eat, our whole family enjoys eating cucumbers together.

Slices of Carosello Bianco Leccese

Carosello and other cucumber-melons can be consumed by those who are
allergic to cucumbers - as long as they are not allergic to melons! (=

No cucumbers for this caterpillar - this bug will soon meet my bearded dragon!
Growing cucumbers next to the ground results in variable shapes

Is this the Carosello Bianco Leccese - or a pear?

In the Southwest, Carosello can be planting well into the fall. I will most likely be planting new varieties into July and September.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Missing the Rain!

With the dearth of rainfall that we have received this last year has come an increase in poor air quality.

Rincon Mountains on May 16th (These mountains are close to my home)
Without moisture in the soil, the recent windy days have literally “picked up” the dirt from the ground and made it part of the air we breathe. Many people that I know in Tucson are having breathing problems because of the poor air quality (including yours truly).

A veiw of the Tucson Mountains on a air quality advisory day.

The Pima County has issued numerous air quality advisories recently. This lack of water has also affected the local insect population. I have seen very few pollinators when compared to this time last year. Additionally, a lack of rainfall means that the only source of water my plants recieve is city water. Whether a person is a gardener, farmer, or just wanting a drink of water - I hope this drought will remind each of us to pray for rain.

The Catalina Mountains and Mt. Lemmon in the distance on a air quality advisory day

Friday, May 16, 2014

Unintentional Walking Onions

So my TOG gardening friend Flo, who is known for her onion sets that she orders each fall, came by my house one time and gave me some “Texas Bunching Onions”. For the last 2 months I have decreased the water these onions receive and I thought that, along with the hot temperatures the onions would quickly dry out. No luck yet. These are some pretty tough onions.

After dead-heading all of the onion tops.

Hoping for some larger bulbs this year.

In the hopes to save seed from our onions last year, both Flo and I simultaneously discovered that these onions do not set seed when they flower. Having uncovered this fact, I decided that this year I would remove any flower heads I found growing on my onion plants. All went according to plan until recently, some of the more determined onions decided to produce little bulblets. Perhaps this is a way for gardeners to save the traits of a great hybrid variety - by forcing the onions to make bulblets by deadheading all but a few of the flowers.

The onions continue to thrive without a steady water source.

An onion with claws?! This plant has the will to live as it produces small bulblets.

The Onion Bulblets are growing!

Alas – the onions that refuse to die. Perhaps if these bulblets grow large enough to sustain themselves then I can plant them out in my summer garden to see what they become. At the same time I am trying to select this variety for a larger lower bulb. I hope a large bulb is a trait I can select for as I divide the onions this next fall. Wish me luck.

A strange-looking bulblet forms on the onion stem.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Out with the old and in with the new – Tomatoes!

Last fall I wanted to extend my tomato season by buying some more Celebrity tomato plants. Unfortunately the plants that I found at my favorite nursery were thin and weak – but I bought them anyway. One of them made it through the winter – really close to the wall in the kids’ garden. Over the last few weeks we have been really enjoying the 2-3 tomatoes this plant produced each week.

A few of the last tomatoes from the winter Celebrity Tomato Plant

As birds will even try to eat green tomatoes, I decided to put the netting up early. Birds have a knack for getting around barriers to get to food and I have had several casualties recently. The holes in the tomatoes along with a wave of spider mites making their home on the old plant indicates to me that it is time to say goodbye to this little plant.

Any tomato that is not covered with netting is bird food.

A very small opening in the netting allows a bird to munch my tomato.

A closeup of my winter Tomato plant in April

Only good hygiene and distance postpones spider mites from infesting new plants.

On the other end of the spectrum, my new Celebrity and Legend plants are doing fantastic. Even the F2 hybrid plants I have are doing well – except that some are not fruiting as quickly as I thought and I had to cull one for growing too big. One unfortunate part about gardening is that the gardener gets to administer death to some plants just as much as he administers life to others.

Culling the beautiful F2 because of its sprawling habit.

The more compact F2 tomato plants get to stay

A few of my Legend Tomatoes

Some more Legend Tomatoes

Scars on premature Celebrity tomatoes from attacks by a small delicate insect.

To conclude, it has been really nice to pick my first red tomato from my new Celebrity plants on the same day that I am still picking tomatoes off my old plant.

Wait - what's that red thing back there?

It's my first summer Tomato!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

McGregor’s Favorite Beet

Taste alright, howbeit a bold earthy taste.
It can be difficult for a gardener to not be interested in the newest and most exciting vegetables that come out in gardening catalogues each year. New colors, shapes and sizes catch my attention and often persuade me to try out something new. Such was the case with the McGregor’s Favorite beet. The picture of the beet’s root appeared similar to the beet variety Cylindra while the dark red color of the greens was similar to the Bull’s Blood variety. Since I had been contemplating crossing Bull’s Blood with Cylindra for a while, McGregor’s Favorite beets seemed to be the perfect match of dark green leaves and tender cylindrical roots.

From the very beginning of my experience with McGregor’s Favorite Beets the plants were incredibly slow to grow. The vigor of the seed I received was weak and multiple plantings were necessary to have enough plants to trial.

It seemed to take forever for McGregor's Favorite Beets to grow.

Where did the beets go?

There they are! (=

Initial seedlings exhibited bright green leaves and secondary leaves were green as well. It was not until later in the season that a few thin dark red leaves appeared and this color only seemed to persist for about 1-2 months before the later growth began to be green again.
McGregor's Favorite Initial Green Growth
Intermediary red/purple growth

More intermediary red/purple growth

McGregor's Favorite Beets are very pretty for a while.

McGregor's Favorite Beets lose all their red/purple color as they grow.

Though the dark red leaves may be a product of optimal climate conditions, one would think that if optimal climate condition are required to exhibit a specific trait that the specific variety might not be worth growing. The taste and texture of the dark red leaves was nothing exceptional. In my opinion, the texture, taste and color of Bull’s Blood leaves greatly exceeded that of McGregor’s favorite. About half way through the season I was beginning to feel that some very rare vegetable varieties are nearly extinct for a reason.

Bull's Blood Beets' color remains consistently red/maroon throughout their growth

Bull's Blood Beet root tastes pretty good.

Because the McGregor’s favorite beets were so slow to sprout and grow I had to wait until April to begin harvesting any of the roots. Note – this was not for lack of light, water, or nutrients - all the other vegetables in the garden were growing very well. The roots exhibited variable shape and size, the texture was tough and the flavor was very earthy.
Although all roots can exhibit branching, with the very soft compost soil that I grow my plants in I was surprised by the tendency of the McGregor’s favorite beet to branch.

Branching Beet Bottoms bewilder Botanists

McGregor's favorite variable root shape and size is not very marketable.

The texture was very hard to begin with and several of the roots had white pithy material that I feared might be woody (it turned out to be okay). Because the roots were hard, they took a little longer than other beets to cook.

Amputation of the leggy beet.

Concern that the core may be pithy.

Once the beets were cooked the flavor was quite earthy. Though my wife loves the bold taste of “dirt” in her beets, I prefer a more subtle or slight earthy taste in the beets I grow.

Growing Cylindra beets.

A large, yet tender Cylindra beet root.

In summary – if you would like to grow an interesting beet that you have never grown before you are welcome to try McGregor’s favorite. However, if you prefer the subtle taste and smooth texture of Cylindra (butter beet) or a season full of dark red leaves from Bull’s Blood perhaps you should try growing something else.