Friday, September 17, 2021

The Early Fortune Cucumber

While I know that a lot of people have their own opinions of cucumbers, I kind of like the Early Fortune cucumbers. Not because they are perfect in any way, but I really like cucumber varieties that have some unique coloring and shapes. In these two areas, the Early Fortune did not fail to deliver.

The color of this cucumber is generally dark green, but there are some light stripes that come in a striped format from the center of where the petals of the female flower formed. These are very similar to a comet or a shooting star. Perhaps I’m the only one who appreciates this?


Given the option between field growing and trellising, I would definitely trellis the Early Fortune cucumbers. They seem to want to grow a little longer, but can have some difficulty in determining which direction to grow.

Overall, the production of this variety was good, and the flavor was pretty standard for fruit in the pickling class of cucumbers.


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