Friday, June 5, 2020

Splotched Dark Carosello Leccese

For the second year in a row, I decided to grow the Carosello Spuredda Leccese. This is a somewhat repetitive name for a cucumber-melon as it literally translates to “Carosello Carosello Leccese”. One of my selections of this variety from last year was an older landrace of this variety, courtesy of my friend Angelo of Amici dell’ Orto. When growing this variety out in 2018, I found that it had some interesting bands of light splotching that decorated the darker colors.

The Splotched Dark Carosello Leccese

April 27th, 2019.

May 4th

June 7th

June 14th

June 20th

June 25th

From the best seed of my 2018 growout, I started out a few dozen soil blocks of Dark Splotched Leccese. As you may recall, the soil was mostly rocky native soil with some weeds growing between the rocks. In the spring, I added a lot of compost, along with a healthy layer of partially composted leaf mulch. The leaf mulch also contained a good quantity of worms. 

July 3rd

July 6th

A mutated vine sent male flowering into overdrive

Despite losing some plants to critters and a few mistakes, most of the plants survived. What I was primarily looking for in this variety was a cylindrical cucumber with distinct bands of lighter green splotching. Most of the plants produced carosello cucumbers with both cylindrical and oval fruit. When looking at these pictures, it is important to remember that this is my least optimal growing space. Though I added good compost, the compost was layered on top of very poor soil in a garden bed that has a very limited daylight. 

July 12th

One of my favorite things that happened when growing this variety out was when one of the little daughters of my Chicken Garden friend came out and asked if she could have one of the splotched dark Leccese. However, instead of asking for a cucumber, she asked if she could have one of the watermelons. I laughed and told her it was a cucumber. She gobbled the whole thing up, then asked for another. Obviously, watermelon colored cucumbers have both visual and culinary appeal.

July 15th

July 31st

August 8th

cylindrical and dark with splotching

Out of all of the Carosello Spuredda Leccese plants grown out in the Chicken Garden, only one plant consistently produced cylindrical consistently lightly splotched bands of green on a dark background. These carosello fruit became the stock for my next generation of Splotched Dark Spuredda Leccese.

A view of the fuzz on the Splotched Dark Carosello Leccese

As for me, the flavor was quite good while the texture was average (for carosello). The amount of water content was somewhere between the more dense flesh of the Carosello Mezzo Lungo (Half Long) of Polignano and the more juicy Carosello Barese.

Some Dark Carosello Leccese for fresh eating

August 22nd

As it goes with seed, it is interesting to note that this variety would sometimes go through my colander and into my garbage disposal. This variety has consistently smaller, more narrow seed than many other carosello, especially when compared to the Carosello Massafra.

August 24th, beginning the harvest for seed.

September 4th

Based on the coloring, taste and ease of this carosello variety, I would definitely grow this variety again. This variety is a keeper and you can anticipate it will hopefully be part of the Cucumber Shop for years to come.

September 10th, 2019 - Dark Carosello Leccese ready for seed harvest

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Turkish Beit Alpha Cucumber

According to one USDA article published in the American Society of Horticultural Science, the Beit Alpha cucumber is a “Mediterranean fresh-market or processed type of cucumber that originated in Israel for use in open-field and protected production… The cultivation of Beit Alpha cucumber is relatively recent, and this market type originated as a selection from a local landrace. Selection was reportedly initiated around 1950 on the Beit Alpha (synonym Beit Alfa or Bet Alfa) Kibbutz (a collective agrarian community) found in northern Israel near the Gilboa ridge… The initial breeding on this market type eventually produced a monoecious uniform variety for open-field production.”

June 14th, 2019.

June 20th

Male flower

Female flower

This particular C. sativus cucumber variety has undergone so much breeding work that there are dozens of varieties on the market. Because of all the breeding that has taken place with these thin-skinned tender cucumbers, there are now some parthenocarpic varieties with female flowers that can set fruit without being pollinated as well as gynoecious varieties that produce almost exclusively female flowers. In addition to this, many of the Beit Alpha cucumber varieties are bred to be disease resistant.

July 6th

While in Turkey, my brother happened upon a seed packet of a Turkish Beit Alpha cucumber, which he sent to me. As I was under the impression that all Beit Alpha cucumbers are parthenocarpic, I was surprised to see that the first several female fruits did not set. It took a while before seeing any female fruit set.

July 12th

July 15th

July 31st

Once the fruit began to set, the owners of the chicken garden were harvesting 2-3 cucumbers per week throughout the rest of the season. They thoroughly enjoyed them and were very glad to be able to have the fresh produce in their yard. For those of you who know me, this may come as a shocker, but given the fact that this variety is unnamed (other than being an Beit Alpha variety from Turkey) I was fine with not saving any seed.

August 17th

September 4th

The final harvest, September 19th, 2019.

All previous experiences I have had with what we often refer to as “Lebanese” or “thin-skinned” cucumbers has not been positive. Though they are often bitter-free, I have not found a variety that agrees with my stomach. Even this specific variety caused some indigestion. The taste of this cucumber left me greatly lacking. Truthfully – it would probably be fine for everyone else. However, having had so many tender, crisp and good-flavored carosello cucumber-melons, it has become increasingly difficult to go back to a cucumber whose flavor is akin to eating raw collards or clover. So – if you are a regular cucumber lover, than the Beit Alpha is the one for you. But, if you have grown any finer cucumber-melons then the best reason you would want to grow this is... for sharing.