Saturday, May 11, 2013


Ripe tomatoes can sometimes be hard to find.

I knew this tomato was there, and had been looking for it under the bush for quite a while – and finally I found it!

The only hybrid in my garden - Celebrity

Each year I compare heirloom tomato varieties to the one variety I continually strive to beat – Celebrity. So far, Celebrity is winning. Most everything in my garden is open pollinated and can outdo its hybrid counterpart – but I have a long way to go to beat this hybrid tomato variety.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Onion Blossoms

Onion Blossoms are so pretty.

Onions are a self-incompatible perfect flower – which means they have all the parts to pollinate themselves but they require a pollinator to come to multiple flowers to produce seed.


Friday, May 3, 2013

With Heat comes Reptiles

As my children get older I find that they have inherited my tendency for catching lizards. My younger son recently stated that when he grows up he wants to have a “lizard ranch”.

A young Spotted Whiptail Lizard about to go into my garden

While rising summer temperatures increase, so does the activity of the reptiles outside. My children run after whiptails and fence lizards during by day and my wife and I enjoy seeing the geckos consume moths around our porch light at night.

This Blind snake does not want his picture taken

This last week was the second time I saw a blind snake, while many people here in Tucson keep tame desert tortoises in their backyard. Reptiles are pretty well adapted to the Southwest and make our desert landscape much more interesting.

The Blind snake showing his head on his way off

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gardening in Layers

One of the reasons why I love to grow things here in Tucson in the summer time is to see my garden turn into a miniature jungle. On a small scale, I can use the intense light to my advantage by packing in as many vegetables as I can into as small as a space as possible. This is what I call “intensive planting”.

My understory here has squash and sweet potato vines.

Intensive planting can occur in an area where the intensity and duration of sunlight is so great that you can cover every square inch of ground with vegetables. In areas of the country where there is minimal light (or in partially shaded areas with a lot of moisture) gardeners may not be able to grow their plants so close together without experiencing negative side effects such as bacterial or fungus problems.

As I plan my garden based on where the sun will be and based on how much light my plants will receive throughout the day I am getting the most light out of the area that I have. As I decide where to plant vegetables, I think of my plants based on their eventual size, and imagine what my “miniature jungle” will look like later on in the summer.
One method of intense planting is to consider plant height

 The lowest canopy of my garden is often covered with sweet potatoes – which spread like ivy in all directions – only a few inches off the ground. The next tallest area is populated with peppers, tomatoes, squash and other plants that grow between 2 and 4 feet tall. The highest area of my garden is populated with cucumber or bean vines, some of which will grow as high as I can trellis.

Vigorous tall pole beans grow next to squash of medium height

By thinking about layers when planting, gardeners can avoid having to do much weeding, especially later in the season. Though this method may not be for everyone, it is definitely one approach that has served me well for me here in Arizona.

One of the few problems with a crowded garden is where to walk

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wrong Carrot and a Good Seed Company

Each time I trial a new vegetable I take on some form of risk. Perhaps I won’t like the taste of the vegetable or perhaps it won’t grow well in my climate. Most of what I expect in my trials is for a plant to be as advertised, with the assumption that the conditions of my desert climate may be far from ideal. Unfortunately, this last trial of Atomic Red Carrots was quite a disappointment. Some of the carrots turned out orange, while the majority turned out purple on the outside with orange interior – just like my purple dragon carrots. Though the purple carrots from this seed packet were a bit spicier than my Purple Dragon carrots (they were probably cosmic purple), the orange carrots from this packet were reminiscent of the aftertaste of a bland store bought carrot. Fortunately, my family is not too picky when it comes to carrots.

These are definitely NOT Atomic Red carrots

I know that companies occasionally mix up or mislabel vegetable varieties often because a supplier mixed up seed or did not isolate varieties enough. However, when I buy a vegetable variety I exhibit minimal tolerance if a vegetable’s shape or color does not match what is advertised. I would not worry too much about the variety’s characteristics if I did not buy my vegetable seed hoping for specific characteristics – such as carrots that are red.

Good customer service can often make up for mistakes

I did end up talking with the company, and they sent a substitute variety for me. They said that there was probably some mix-up on the part of the supplier. Based on my recent experience I really didn't want to try atomic carrots again, so I decided to try another red carrot variety. While even really good companies occasionally make a mistake, their customer service can often make up for their mistakes. I always give a company several tries to correct their mistakes before I write them off altogether.

When I first find an interesting online seed company, I first try to find more out about it. Because anyone can set up an online company, it is wise to have a healthy dose of skepticism when first dealing with a seed supplier. Dave'sGarden is a good place to look for seed company reviews, and seems to be a pretty good resource for reviews. If 75% of people who buy from a seed company, such as Reimer, have experienced terrible seeds or service - it is probably a good idea to avoid this company in the future.

Though I was hoping for something different - these were tasty.

While I often ignore outstanding reviews such as "This is the best company ever!" I often give consideration to average reviews that tell a story about experiences - and are very specific in their descriptions. By doing so I am being fair to the company that makes a few mistakes while ensuring that I protect myself from an online scam. With all of the seed companies out there, I have often had a lot of good experience with obtaining seeds from a company that produces its seed locally or from a friend who grows in the same climate and conditions as I do.