Showing posts with label CucumberShop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CucumberShop. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

My favorite Mezzo Lungo Barese and Polignano

After growing out an unknown carosello cucumber variety, I decided to try out a Mezzo Lungo Polignano carosello variety in the 1-yard grape bin. This variety was one that I had tried out previously in 2021. In fact, I labeled the specific population, which was provided to me by an Italian gentleman named Angelo, for a future Mezzo Lungo Polignano trial.

























The context for the Mezzo Lungo Polignano name is this: In southern Italy, melons have been grown immature as cucumbers for thousands of years. Though these cucumber-melons are called by many different names, to the outside world they are known as “carosello”. A specific town or village will often grow their own specific carosello cucumber variety. In order to distinguish the variety from a carosello in another area, the name of a specific variety may include a specific trait of the cucumber, but almost always include the origin of the variety. ‘Mezzo Lungo’ means ‘half long’. That part of the variety name may have originated from being compared with length of the local ‘Tortarello’ or local snake melon. There is a Mezzo Lungo from Barese, which tends to be slightly longer and a Mezzo Lungo from Polignano, which tends to be a bit shorter. Both are known to be very fuzzy, crisp cylindrical cucumber varieties.
















Fuzzy fruit is the primary reason why I had made a note to grow the specific population of Mezzo Lungo from Angelo again. This population, which was named variety #3, sprouted well. In order to give the unknown variety more time to mature, I started the Mezzo Lungo Polignano seedlings in ten inch hydroponic baskets until they were large enough to require planting into the garden. They grew very well and matured quickly. They began setting fruit in early August and by late August, the fruit varied from being ready for fresh-eating to ripe for seed-saving. Unfortunately, there was a bit of variation in fruit color and length. But the color variation was rare and I eliminated as much of that fruit as I could. On the positive side, the fuzziness was quite thick and pronounced, the fruit was crisp, but much juicier than any other Mezzo Lungo varieties that I have tried. For a Mezzo Lungo, the flavor was quite good too. As a result, I decided that this population will become the foundation for my future Mezzo Lungo Polignano (short) and Mezzo Lungo Barese (long) carosello varieties.





















Despite all of my faults and mistakes, I am grateful that I can try out different carosello varieties. Even different populations of the same variety – provided to me by various growers and seed companies – enable me to determine what fruit would be most desirable for market growers. Though there are many wonderful and unique indigenous and heirloom vegetable varieties, very few will continue to be grown or shared if they do not perform well or taste good.

Friday, August 11, 2023

A Carosello Barese Trial

For years I have been seeing two kinds of Carosello Barese being sold by companies and grown by Italian gardeners. This has lead me to feel a great deal of confusion as to what the term "Carosello Barese" actually means. Though the Carosello Barese is one of the most well-known carosello cucumber varieties, some Italian friends and I have questioned whether the popular “Carosello Barese” is even a carosello variety at all. The reason we are questioning the validity of this popular Italian cucumber is that the Carosello Barese completely overlaps two other carosello varieties - the Carosello Bianco Leccese (Light Leccese) and the Carosello Mezzo Lungo Barese. While I had previously grown the Carosello Barese that looks like the Carosello Leccese Bianco, I had never grown the ridged variety that looks like the Mezzo Lungo Barese.


































To be able to conduct a proper study of these cucumber varieties, I needed to find a seed seller who had them both - to conduct a grow-out for myself. After many years of searching, I was able to acquire seeds of both varieties from a single seed supplier. I planted them in a raised bed garden and grew them both out mid-summer and covered them with netting when the other raised bed began flowering. As soon as the fruit began to set I noticed that the one variety looked just like the light Leccese. The Carosello Bianco Leccese is nearly hairless, juicy and very tender. The scalloped Carosello Barese variety was very productive yet extremely variable. While they were all fuzzy and scalloped, some were long and others were short. Some of the vines were bushy with clusters of fruit setting in the crown of the plant and others produce fruit further along the sprawling vines.












For comparison, the Mezzo Lungo Barese is a fuzzy scalloped cylindrical cucumber-melon variety. It is generally much more dense and slightly drier than most other carosello varieties. The scalloped fuzzy Carosello Barese that I grew had much higher water content than the Mezzo Lungo Barese. There seemed to be quite a bit lacking in the flavor of the scalloped Carosello Barese.



















Since I already had plenty of the smooth, nearly hairless Carosello Barese, I did not save seed of that variety. I did, however, save seed of the scalloped Carosello Barese. Sometimes discovering something new is exciting and enjoyable. Other times it is dull and lucklaster. While my experience growing out two of the Carosello Barese was more the latter, I’m grateful to have learned something new so I no longer have to wonder if I should try growing the Carosello Barese again.





































So what now? Where do I go with the Carosello Barese? I will likely sell seed that I have of the Carosello Barese and eventually only sell the Carosello Barese in the form of the Carosello Leccese Bianco. Perhaps if I ever find a good tasting light-colored Scopattizo Barese, I will market it as a scalloped Carosello Barese.