
Friday, October 11, 2024

The Jamaican or West Indian Burr Gherkins

The Jamaican or West Indian Burr Gherkin is the classic style of gherkin that growers are familiar with. This Cucumis anguria was apparently a favorite of Thomas Jefferson for the purpose of pickling. It tends to be resistant to most Curcubit diseases, it lasts longer into the cold part of the season than melons or regular cucumbers and the vines tend to set a large crop of fruit near the end of the season.























With its spiky appearance, the fruit of the West Indian Burr Gherkin appears to tell many who come by it to leave the fruit alone. However, the fruit not only doesn’t puncture the skin, but is the flesh completely safe to eat – spikes and all. The spikes appear longest about half-way through the season. The spikes don’t grow smaller over time, but can appear smaller as the fruit fattens up around the spiky ball of a fruit.




While I initially didn’t care to even try growing any Cucumis anguria, I really developed a liking for them. Though they don’t look as fun as the baby watermelons called “Sanditas” or Cucamelons, they are, in my opinion, much better. The flavor, texture and general quality of the fruit is, in my opinion, much more desirable. The crisp fruit seems to be ideal for pickling. Hence the species of Cucumis anguria are often referred to as “gherkin”.

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