
Friday, March 1, 2024

The Unknown Carosello

One of the things I like doing when gardening is giving cucumber varieties a second chance. Back in 2018 I grew an unknown carosello cucumber variety. It was oval and ranged from being very dark to quite light. I didn’t know what to think of it then, but I do remember it tasting pretty good. With all that in mind, I decided to give the variety another try at a new plot that I had set up in a 1-yard grape bin.

























The grape bin setup worked beautifully. I filled it up with some professional soil mix, set up the soaker hoses and timers, then added the transplants. I had to start over though – due to the unseasonably cool weather that we had this year. I had to plant both in early and late May. My late May planting was just sprouted seeds, as I didn’t want to bother with transplants just to have them killed by the cold again.
























The vines grew quicky and well – without any problems. When the fruit was old enough to taste, I tried some out and was not impressed with the flavor as I had been before. Was the flavor better in 2018 or was I only comparing it to the Spuredda Taratino, which has one of the worst flavors and textures of any cucumber-melon that I have tasted? I cannot exactly say, but with a sub-par flavor, an unknown name and large variations in color and flavor, I decided that I would not continue growing this variety. Out of obligations previously agreed-upon by myself and the household owner, I saved seeds from the oldest fruit and took out everything else. Then I replanted the next crop.





























Despite this crop not working out as I would have preferred, I am glad that I tried and found out what I did. For me, much of gardening is unknown. While I can guess on what could be the likely outcome of any course of action, there is so much uncertainty - unless I can control all the variables. Attempting to remove all the variables often leads to unintended negative consequences. Similar to life, it is much better to spend my energy doing what I can and then stand back and appreciate the weather and conditions, come what may.

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