
Friday, July 7, 2023

Regretting 3 Cubit Yards of sandy dirt/compost

Thinking it wise to get some garden soil to add to my gardens, I purchased what a local landscape supply company called “garden soil”. Not just one yard, but 3 full yards. I made of video of the size of the pile here.




















 It took an afternoon to move over to my compost area and over half of my garden. I was super excited for it for a while. I was looking forward to incorporating it in with the rest of my plants. As I began using it, though – I noticed that something was wrong. After using it as a base for my soil blocks I began to notice something. My plants began to suffer beginning with their first true leaves. Even then, the plants that started did so slowly and struggled to thrive. I came to the conclusion that I had made an investment in something that was not only going to not pay off, but now I had 3 cubic yards of beautiful, yet useless sandy junk in my garden. Oh well.

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