
Friday, April 8, 2022

Enjoying a Couple Gardens

Here are some pictures of a couple gardens I enjoyed during 2020. One was in Yountville, California and the other was my father-in-laws garden in western Colorado.

The garden in Yountville was incredible. For context, Yountville is prime wine-growing country in Napa county. The market garden was on about an acre and supplied a nearby restaurant. Usually during the time of the year we visited, Yountville would be completely packed with tourists and wine enthusiasts. However, when we went the town was nearly deserted. We happened to be there for the purpose of visiting landmarks, included some in the town’s cemetery.

The diversity of vegetables that can be grown in Mediterranean climate is quite amazing. I really enjoyed the whole experience.

Western Colorado has quite a different climate than that of the Napa County. While visiting family in Grand Junction, I decided to take a few pictures of my father-in-law’s garden.

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